Girls are wrong (gym mistakes edition)

You are going to the gym, for several months, 6 to 7 times a week, killing it on cardio machines, lifting some weights, sweated more than Mike Tyson but every time you looked in the mirror you look flat, and exhausted, not strong, fit and tight. Here i will try to cover basic mistakes that i repeating day in day out and also include some key points that will help to get to that dream body.

Overall mistakes are:

  1. Not lifting heavy enough

One of the most primal instincts we as humans have is to instinctively avoid pain and discomfort and seek pleasure and easy in life.

Most of the girls train like wussies. I can`t even remember when was the last time i saw a girl killing her workout. All the girls in the gym i go train like wussies. Sorry. Harsh truth. They never push themselves. They exercise day in and out, repeating the same exercises, with the same weights and the same reps. Although i don`t support often and big changes in workout plans, what i mean by this is that they never stimulate the muscle properly. The only way to stimulate the muscle properly is OVERLOAD. To constantly giving him the reason to improve. Even if you are in that group of people “i like the way i look now, i don`t want to grow more”, even then you have to give muscles the reason to keep that form.

2. Girls don`t think

Girls think more than man actually but most of that thinking goes on stuff that are meaningless (at least meaningless to a point you will not benefit from it in the gym). So, whatever you had in mind, that guy that saw your story on instagram, how much money you will need to spend on make up and shoes because it`s never enough (dear lord), leave it all behind and for that one hour you spent in the gym , really focus on what you are doing, proper form, proper overload and breathing.

3. Wasting time with innovative exercises and cardio.

This is by far the most often with girls. They do 26 exercises, 3 sets each, for 25 reps and, the end result is that they spent two hours in the gym, with no stimulation or whatsoever, just for the sake of feeling good (ive been to the gym, i can scratch that from the list). Several months they go like this and they wonder why they dont see any progress.

The best way to properly stimulate the muscle and make progress is to go for 6 to 9 exercises with 4 heavy stimulating sets, rep range to be somewhere in between 4 to 10. This training will last 45 to 60 min, more than enough. 

4. Avoiding food

Every single workout no matter how good it was, even if you trained like spartan warrior, will be a complete WASTE if you don`t have a proper nutrition and plan. You cant go and kill a workout and then go home and order junk food or eat a salamy.

I always prepare my meals a day or two before and stock them ready in the fridge. You just need several plastic containers (in my case i have around 56 of them because i lose that stuff – idiot), and takes an hour of your time to prepare everything. For 1 hour you can prepare food for 2 days.

5. Watch the scale

The scale doesnt matter. Period. Every girls dream is to reduce weight for just 3 to 4 kg and i will look great. NO. You will starve yourself and you will look exhausted and flat. You want to look tight. Girls who look like that lift heavy. Believe it or not. The goal is to keep the weight you have (unless you are extremely overweight) and just change the proportions of muscle mass and fat mass.

6. Chasing popular diets, teas and other crap

Many people jump from diet to diet, failing over and over again to get the results they desire. They chase diets that are recommended by some famous person, buy detox teas and other bullshit products simply because they want shortcuts, faster results and the approach they tried so far was a failure. The rules are rules and no fancy actor, or magic pill, tea, will help you get around them. Invest the money in good food and good coach. And LISTEN TO HIM. If your thousands of diets didnt worked out, have patience to try approach from a person who actually have experience in that field.

Now lets overview the KEY points:

OVERLOAD. Take time and try to consider this. You would be amazed with the results you will achieve and NO, you will not look like extra toned muscular guy or girl that you see on competitions. That is thousands of hours of hard core training, nutrition and recovery and a lot of other stuff they inject in themselves. You will look strong, fit and tight. What i mean with overload is to lift weights in the range of 70 to 85% of 1RM. 1 RM means the weight you can only do one rep with. So lift the weight that will allow you to lift between 4 to 6 reps. Training with weights between 70 and 85% of 1 RM produces maximum hypertrophy (growth). LEAVE THE GIRLY WEIGHTS BEHIND.


The KEY to a great workout is to push yourself to the limits with full focus on what you do and how you do it.

Training with maximum intensity and focus will enable you to lift heavy weights and force your muscle to grow and your body to shape.

High intensity means when you dont settle for a lighter weight.

Focus is when you are consciously pounding out every rep and every set till you have nothing left in the tank at the end of your workout. GO HARD, GO STRONG.

And yes people may think that you are antisocial or arrogant (i am the most arrogant person in the gym haha, at least they can think that). Well i am here to get the shit done.


Make sure to have your diet on point. To eat proper amount of protein, fat and carbs. Avoid junk food. But dont worry with proper diet you will also have a cheat meal on a re feed days.

Dont skip meals. If you leave the gym with an empty tank you have to feed the machine and fuel it up.


The goal of every personal trainer is to see change in body composition in his client. To get leaner, bigger and stronger but the weight on scale to stay approximately the same. More muscle mass, less fat mass = strong and fit.


There is nothing complicated about it (although it seems like that at the beginning). Keep learning more about nutrition, invest in food. No need for fancy products. It`s not just a waste of money but waste of your patience because you put high expectations on a bullshit products. Invest that energy in HC training.


Keep up the #underdogmentality



Detox tea, the TRUTH. The best way to waste money.

The reason you are thinking to try wonderful detox super duper tea is (let`s be honest here):

  1. You want quick fix and you are looking for a shortcut (quick results with no effort or whatsoever)
  2.  You are going to the gym for several months and you don`t get the results you truly want.
  3. You are looking to boost your energy fast, improve your sleep, mood, a what a hell, everything.

First of all, in medical terms, definition of detoxification refers to the removal of a harmful substance from the body like alcohol, drugs or accidental ingestion of harmful poison and it happens in the real life threatening situations. There is no mention of how to get rid of that belly fat, lose weight and tone up.

My definition of detox teas: It`s a super blend of a low cost teas, creating one super bitch ass tea with super laxative properties that will help you poop like a horse.

Now, let`s further explain this.

WHAT is a detox tea?

Most detox teas are a blend of a various low cost herbal teas with a small add on of super foods like lemongrass, dandelion, garcinia or senna leaf.

In other words, these are teas that are mix of low cost teas that you can drink on a regular basis, with a strong marketing plan and a lot of money to invest in advertisement. You will not sell this crap product by paying some random dude (coach) from the gym to read the lines and fake smile in front of the camera, telling you this is a great product. This is where a celebrity kicks in. Any personal trainer with real credibility, or a person who is dedicated to fitness and want to help you or see you improve will NEVER recommend something like this.

Keep this in mind when you see some random toned girl from instagram, talking how detox tea changed her life.

Now, when you purchase this product, they additionally recommend that you go on strict diet, with a HUGE caloric deficit.

So what do you think is the reason you are losing weight?

Some super food containing laxative detox tea or HUGE caloric deficit that led your body in starvation mode?

Your body already has a POWERFUL MACHINE for detox that consists of liver, kidneys, lungs and skin and they do an amazing job of filtering all the toxins without any herbal help. Liver remove toxins that have been injected, extract waste material from the blood so it can be removed by intestines. Kidneys assist in purifying the blood through filtering units called “glomeruli” and extracted through urine. The lungs contain structure called “cilia” that trap bacteria and dust that we breathe in. Skin helps in removing toxins that are excreted in the form of sweat. And that is the TRUTH.

What happens if you decide to go for it (tea diet)?

  1. Most of the weight you will lose will be water weight.
  2. Your glycogen storage will be empty and you will feel tired and weak.
  3. Your scale will show you the number you want to see but your mirror will show that skinny fat look (awful).
  4.  At the end you will pretty soon get back to your eating habits and will add more fat and weight then you had before you started your diet. And yes, you lost a lot of energy, time and money.

How should you approach your change?

  1. Learn the basics of nutrition. Don`t go from junk to “i will eat once a day diet”. Replace junk with quality organic food.
  2. Start working out. Maybe it seems boring to you now, or hard, or something impossible to achieve, but every beginning is hard but it`s all worth it.
  3. Find someone who is willing to help you and guide you through your change and someone who knows how to do it. Not a fat personal trainer. Not gym “buddha guru” who is going to the gym for a month and is giving to everyone correction on how to workout, eat and drink. Not a friend that`s been “lifting” for some time but still look like shit, because guess what, he maybe is a good friend but he doesn`t have a clue about nutrition, proper exercise and recovery (very important topic but i will leave that for some other time).
  4. Have a tone of patience. It is a process and believe me or not, after some short time of adjusting to change you will start to like it and you will wonder, why you didn`t tried this before.
  5. Enjoy the process. Do NOT overwhelm yourself with counting every single calorie, with feeling of regret if you miss that one workout, or you ate something you shouldn`t. It HAPPENED to all of us and it`s not the end of the world. You missed a workout, or you ate some junk, it happened, leave it like that and get back on track, move on.


The bottom line, there is no magic pill, powder or tea that will help you lose weight, or “detox” your body or whatever. What there is, that you have to accept the truth, not to hear what you want to hear (shortcut to dream body), but to hear and learn that it all comes down to hard work in the gym and kitchen, combined with rest and positive mindset (you have to believe you can do it).

Thanks for reading and have a great day.


Coach B